Remember that faith is in charge, not feelings.
God is bigger than what you face.
Does God Still Heal Series: How to Move Beyond Treating Symptoms, Part 1 | Chip Ingram
A Living Lesson on Forgiveness (Philemon 1–3) [Audio Only]
The Characteristics of One Who Forgives (Philemon 4–7) [Audio Only]
The Motives of One Who Forgives (Philemon 19–25) [Audio Only]
The Actions of One Who Forgives (Philemon 8–18) [Audio Only]
This is your reminder that joy comes from the Lord.
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I’m not christian I’m Muslim but for the safety of my childrens americans childrens . born here.i will vote for trump ……’s easy way vote for person……who close to GOD ……
God blesses you and your family.
❤️ Love and blessings to you. 🙏
Thank you and bless you and your family. Prayers for America and our safety.
I am a Christian and I support the right of you and your family to worship as you please. ❤ I believe Trump will do that as well.
God Bless America. Let us pray that the 34 million Christians that did not vote in the 2016 election will do so this time. We all need to stick together to fight the evil one.
Duke Ster Amen🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Amen. I’ll be praying that as well!🙏🙏
I’m praying the Democrats get NO Christian votes!
God bless America, our President Donald J Trump and family, Vice Pdte Mike Pence and family and all the people are serving in crucial positions right now who they’re fighting for our freedom. The Blood of Jesus cover them.
Our prayers and fasting from Brazil in favor of America in Jesus’ name!
thank you for your prayers. May God Bless you and your country and your country’s leader!
Beautiful beautiful mass prayer in brazil too. 💖💖💖
Thank you Brazil with love! We are one in Christ Jesus! I pray for you, too! ❤️🙏✝️
Deus te abençõe grandemente Marcia.
@William – So much for Christian forgiveness and ‘Judge not lest ye be judged’! No doubt, despite your expression of disapproval of abortion, you’ll still be voting for the Party who; not only support it but promote it post-birth and not forgetting lgbtq, which they’re anxious to add the ‘p’ to!!! Your cognitive dissonance is breath-taking!
Father God, we come to you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and pray for our President Donald J. Trump, his family, and our Vice President Mike Pence and his family. And all the Cabinet members and Advisors We pray for your wisdom, protection, and discernment of your ways. We also pray for our Nation’s protection in Jesus’ name Amen.
No one pray for Police to stop killing people of color
@@CARLTONMOXLEYUnknownpianist Amen in the Name of Jesus Christ
Prayers for Our President Trump/Mike Pence and their families, Franklin Graham and his family, Our men and women in Uniform, and for the American people. God Bless America!! LORD YOU REIGN IN VICTORY!!!!!!! TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!!!!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!! HALLELUJAH.. HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!!!
May God bless America.God bless Precident Trump and all does precous people that is out there.may God glory shine on America in Jesus name.God bless AMERICA
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I’m crying. I live in Canada and am broken in my spirit for my country. GOD Bless ALL Americans for your voices of reason for such a time as this. I am 67 years of age and have served JESUS for over 40 years and have prayed for family and friends and my enemies all that time. Thank you for giving me words of life today. Be Blessed.
Keep believing sister. I prayed for all the world too. Notjust America. I am sure lots of people did the same. Jesus is the Savior to all the world. Bless your heart sister. Keep the faith.
@@lindah225 My greatest prayer is that I not stand before JESUS ashamed in any way. GOD can not be happy with us. Thank you and all those who went to pray.
I live in Canada and am broken in my spirit for my country too. But not for the same reasons: one reason my spirit is broken is that too many Canadians think like you do. This is not the voice of reason. This is not the gospel. This is blasphemy. America is not the kingdom of God. The ideology of liberal capitalism is not the gospel. But I fear there’s no reasoning with you.
@@patriciabowman31 Since you are worshipping a false God you really do need to pray.
God Bless You.
God bless America, Thank you Jesus for our nation! Pray for President Trump, we need to see 4 more years! VOTE TRUMP 2020
Yes we need to see 4 more years. Vote Trump and Pence 2020
Mike Pence does not get enough credit … He and his wife are a true blessing to the American people.
Mike Pence enables Trump. He’s an accomplice.
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Please read the whole message, even if you’ve been saved.
First accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior; confess that He suffered and died for your sins on the cross. Then start repenting of your sins because we all have sinned and transgressed God’s laws. Read the received texts like KJV and keep God’s 10 Laws which includes Sabbath (resting on Saturday [7th day{Genesis 2:2-3}]). The Bible teaches that thee Antichrist is the Papacy and the mark of the beast is (Forced Sunday rest & the banning of Sabbath [7th day] Rest). It takes courage to be in the army of Christ. The battle lines are drawn: you either choose God by keeping Sabbath or Satan by keeping Sunday. We will go through persecution and tribulation. My brothers and sisters in Christ in the Catholic Church, those in Sunday keeping churches and for people that don’t know Jesus but are looking for the way, the life and truth—please come out of Babylon and repent of your sins before it’s too late! But don’t trust what I say; read and study the Bible to find out. I know what I said sounds harsh, I’m not trying to be, and I mean this with the upmost respect and kindness towards you and all of God’s beautiful creation of mankind—both in the body of Christ and outside the body of Christ. God bless!
Sabbath day was not created for Israel: As God’s people they needed to keep His Law’s because God chose them. It was created before Israel and it’s for all mankind who choose the True Living God, through His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. Us Christians call Jesus King, which He is: A King has laws for His kingdom; 10 Perfect Laws our God created, which includes Sabbath (A day He sanctified, so you can’t say there’s any day of the week to rest with God: The day He set is the seventh day), and are part of His character. So if you choose Sunday rest when it’s enforced (Mark of the beast) by the Antichrist (Roman Catholic Papacy—read Daniel 2&7&8 and Revelation 13 for information on the antichrist and the core of Bible Prophecy to understand):you are then breaking our Kings’ Laws. Keeping and resting on Saturday along with, if you can congregate, always will mean you are choosing God and His authority in your life. Choosing Sunday now, since it hasn’t been enforced, means you’re knowingly or unknowingly choosing Satan’s authority. But many will say, well Paul and the others broke bread on the first day of the week… Yeah you should worship God everyday and break bread with your brothers and sisters in Christ every once in a while, but Saturday, Sabbath (7th day), is the day of rest, hallowed and sanctified by God: The Seal to His Laws. The whole Bible says basically if you love God then keep his Commandments. Jesus died on the cross (Grace and Pardon) because we have sinned (transgressed His Law’s[1 John 3:4]). So it’s all about God’s laws and Jesus saving us from our sin (His Sacrifice to pardon us and to save us for the Transgression of Gods’ Laws). Oh and yes, we are free from the mosaic & Ceremonial laws when He died on the cross, but not God’s Laws (Ten Commandments are in Exodus Chapter 20): we still keep them. We are saved by God’s grace through Jesus Christ: We keep Gods’ Laws as a consequence of being saved. Love you, God bless.
The book of Daniel in the Old Testament is the key to truly understanding the Book of Revelation; make sure to remember that every day in prophecy equals a year (Ezekiel 4:6 & Numbers 14:34). Book of Revelation is a chiasmus {[Looks like this(/)](Historical&Eschatological/)}also; this information will help you to understand the makeup of the way Revelation is written, along with The Book of Daniel. God bless with your search for truth (The word of God, Ten Commandments, and Jesus is the way, the truth and the life) my brothers and sisters in Christ—ask God in prayer what truth is and to ask for the spirit of prophecy, and for help to understand His Word. People that say it’s okay to break Sabbath and to keep Sunday or other days is an enemy of God; however, many have been deceived and God understands, please ask God for spiritual discernment. Don’t trust me, only Trust Jesus Christ, His Word and His Commandments. God bless!
P.S. Look up Total Onslaught with Walter Veith and Discover Prophecy with David Asscherick: Two lecture series for those who don’t have any understanding of Biblical Prophecy and those that do have some knowledge of prophecy and the war that’s going on; other great lectures for you to watch are Rekindling the Reformation, Darkness before Dawn, and In the stream of Time—all by Walter Veith, also watch this wonderful series called What’s up Prof with Walter Veith and Martin Smith as they use the Word of God and apply it to modern things going on for the times we live in now.
It’s okay to hate me and I know I repeat myself a lot, that’s how important God wants you to know about keeping His Ten Laws including Sabbath, but please don’t hate the Truth— if it’s Truth, then it’s worth buying. I’m not better or wiser, I’m most pathetic, but because God cares about you and He is wanting seeds of truth to be in your heart for when you see the blatant truth of what really is going on, God shall be your growth and His Word a Lantern unto your feet in the spiritually dark world we live in. Please love your enemies that do great evil towards you, we are no better, we are all sinners. Please share this message if you want to.
Revelation 14:6-12
6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
8 And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.
9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
Solas Scriptura!—The Bible and The Bible alone!
Solas Christus!—Christ and Christ alone!
Solas Fide!—By Faith and faith alone!
Solas Gratia!—By Grace and Grace alone!
Solas Deo Gloria!—Glory to God alone!
Jannie Watson They are humble servants of God.
@@jennyhusbands2389 Biden is accomplice of KKK, he is racist.
I’m an immigrant. This nation has giving me the most precious gift ( knowing Jesus as my personal savior) God bless America.
Rosario Salazar welcome and God Bless you.
Lord Jesus Crist bless us all🙏🙏🙏
Welkom God never stap
Amen and amen
God Bless America. I wanted to be America Citizen but it’s difficult to me because of pandemic. I hope i can being American Citizen. Jesus bless you all from Indonesia.
with God all things are possible nothing is too big for God put your faith on God .. I see too much miracle with my walk with God in my life it’s unexplainable..
This is my most recent video including a brief commentary on the necessity of the old rugged cross
Steven F Gooden
Copyright 11/28/2020
I’m thankful for you and all that you do. Sure ads up to a hell of a lot
A little trickle or two a drip here or there’ll do, but when it’s full still it all came from you.
if I’ve not said it before Let me say it much more I’m thankful
thankful for you.
No fanfare is needed
no ticket tape parade. No Bouquet of blossoms or shiny things they make
Not even Dollars or Coins
Marching Bands beating Drums will be enough to display what only this song can Saaaaay!
I’m thankful thankful for you
-Steve Gooden –
I’m praying that you become a citizen in Jesus name Amen 🙏
The United States of America has but one hope… to turn in repentant faith to God almighty and to run to His loving arms. Hallelujah! What a Savior. Thanks to those who,spent hours in prayer and to plan for this beautiful event. Wishing we could be there with you, we write from Santiago, Chile. God, have mercy orando speak to, cleanse and renew our land.
In 1948, Shoghi Effendi (The Guardian of the Baha’i Faith) stigmatizes modern society as being: “politically convulsed, economically disrupted, socially subverted, morally decadent and spiritually moribund…”
This is my most recent video including a brief commentary on the necessity of the old rugged cross
Steven F Gooden
Copyright 11/28/2020
I’m thankful for you and all that you do. Sure ads up to a hell of a lot
A little trickle or two a drip here or there’ll do, but when it’s full still it all came from you.
if I’ve not said it before Let me say it much more I’m thankful
thankful for you.
No fanfare is needed
no ticket tape parade. No Bouquet of blossoms or shiny things they make
Not even Dollars or Coins
Marching Bands beating Drums will be enough to display what only this song can Saaaaay!
I’m thankful thankful for you
-Steve Gooden –
Let’s pray for the nation of the greatest United States of America’s that we live in and for Israel .God bless the United States of America In Jesus Christ name. Amen
May God bless America and I pray that the Prince of Peace come and reign in America
This is my most recent video including a brief commentary on the necessity of the old rugged cross
A marvelous day. I just wish the whole world could unite at the same day for a world prayer. Not just in America. I am a britain in England. We need this too. Including every country. For the gospel must be preached to all nations before the end. Amen.
You’re very correct Lorma
This is my most recent video including a brief commentary on the necessity of the old rugged cross
Hope everything is fine 🙂 🙂 I have stared for a minutes now looking at your pretty face, seen your wonderful smile and was wondering what to write to you. Indeed your a paragon of beauty and i will be delighted if we can get acquainted and get to know our self …I just wish for one thing from you “Can we get to know each other”….Await your response ..Your admirer David
Praying for America with all of our hearts, in the precious name of Jesus, from Australia.
Amen 🙏🙏🙏
I stand in agreement with you…..from Perth 🇦🇺
Thank you from USA 🙏❤️
Amen… blessed 🙏🙌🔥
This is my most recent video including a brief commentary on the necessity of the old rugged cross
Amen from USA nice to meet you
God has appointed America as a protector for believers around the globe.. Love from India 🇮🇳,
May lord intervene supernaturally and heal the land
This is my most recent video including a brief commentary on the necessity of the old rugged cross
@Mike huckabee You ARE NOT Mike Huckabee. Stop asking people for money.
From Canada, praying for the great nation of United States and for the President and the future of America. May God bless.
I am praying with you from India
Thanks Natasha
This is my most recent video including a brief commentary on the necessity of the old rugged cross
hello my beloved sister in Christ how are you doing today?
We thank Jesus Christ for all who pray!
May God bless our country with peace!
No one pray for Police to stop killing people of color
A country without peace is terrible
This is my most recent video including a brief commentary on the necessity of the old rugged cross
God is with us and may he heal The President, wife and the staff dealing with COVID at this moment in Jesus name I pray, amen. 🙏
This is my most recent video including a brief commentary on the necessity of the old rugged cross
This is my most recent video including a brief commentary on the necessity of the old rugged cross
Hello Kim how are you