How To Surrender To God | Jabin Chavez | Elevation Church

God isn’t afraid of your struggle. In fact, He’s inviting you to face it, because He knows what’s on the other side. Stop running, hold onto Him, and let Him change you from the inside out.

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0:00 – Thank God
3:04 – Genesis 32
5:49 – How To Surrender To God
10:09 – You Have To Stop Running
13:07 – The Power Of Repentance
16:25 – Do You Feel Empty?
21:17 – Admit You Have Issues
26:13 – Denial Is Not Faith
28:28 – Hold On To God
31:13 – I'm Done Running
36:56 – Stop Running & Wrestle
39:24 – When God Answers With Blessing
42:01 – You Are No Longer Your Past
44:11 – Don't Let The Limp Stop You
47:15 – Step Into A New Thing

Scripture References:
Genesis 32, verses 24-31
Genesis 31, verse 31
Matthew 4, verse 17
Ephesians 5, verse 18
Hebrews 11, verse 21

#elevationchurch #howtosurrendertogod #jabinchavez #identity #restoration #surrender #endurance #blessing #repentance #genesis32 #wrestle #denial #blessings #sermons #faith #church

Check out Elevation Worship’s album “When Wind Meets Fire.” You can listen to it wherever you get your music. It features songs like “Sure Been Good,” “All Of A Sudden,” “What A Miracle,” and “Owe You Praise.” While you’re there, you can listen to other music from Elevation Worship’s album “Can You Imagine?” like “Praise,” “Trust In God,” “Been So Good,” and “Jehovah.” Elevation Worship is the musical expression of Elevation Church, led by pastor and visionary Steven Furtick. They have been steadily writing, recording, and releasing music since the church was founded more than 15 years ago in Charlotte, N.C. The ministry now has multiple locations throughout the US and Canada.

How To Surrender To God | Jabin Chavez | Elevation Church

Manuel Muniz

  • @upschutt4842 says:

    My friend Catherine got her results on Friday. After they had told her it was worse than last time, now it is just a few cancerous cells that even might heal on their own. Glory to God! I continue to pray she’ll be filled with His love and peace to overflow.

  • @DanielCollins._ says:

    My sermon notes for “How to surrender to God”

    1.) Jacob is (past nature) discontent, unsettled, insecure and always covering up something. God doesn’t always meet you in your best places, he is the God of all – mountaintops and valleys. He will locate you, find you, pursue you and chase you

    2.) The more God can get from you, the more he can build from you

    3.) To surrender to God, you have to stop running. Becoming inebriated on God’s word and his presence is the only answer to overcoming your worldly issues

    4.) Admit that you have issues. Denial is not faith. You have to speak to the mountain and in order to do that is by taking the first step by acknowledging that it’s there

    5.) Hold on to God. You can run or you can wrestle but you can’t do both. Fight for it. Be encouraged everytime you want to quit because that means you have something to quit

  • @paulacrosby2157 says:

    Listening for the third time want this word to sink in

  • @Ashley414-w8o says:

    Exactly what I needed to hear. God spoke to me through this man. “Be encouraged every time you want to quit bc that means you have something to quit.” I was literally saying today to God that I want to quit, that it’s too much opposition and I am not good enough to do it. But I just keep hearing God say He would be with me through everything just like He always has but He’s making me go through it this time bc it’s different. He’s helping me realize who I am in Him. Thank you ❤ it means more to me than I could even express

  • @alyssamarie-u7i says:

    this was an amazing beautiful sermon that really resonated with me today, i am so thankful i was able to attend the service today! i could really feel the holy spirt,
    it was everything i needed
    thank you so much!

  • @stephaniehayden873 says:

    This was a very very Good service today I do have to say Thank you to God I’m grateful from God he saved me from dieing many times but most of it the one thing it’s Cancer and he took it away from me I Owe it all to God i used to not want to hear about God but he has changed me and my life I love him

  • @TheTruletta1 says:

    Amen!!!! This sermon is everything 🙌🏾🙏🏽🫶🏾

  • @aimee972 says:

    If anyone out there could pray for me? I’m struggling with something that has been a constant thorn for me for a long time. I have been in survival mode for so long and I don’t want to live like this anymore. I’m in the world’s eyes financially poor but my biggest worry is being spiritually poor. I don’t want to live like this, but I don’t know how to fix this. I don’t want to just survive . I want to change I’m just not sure how or where to start.

    • @KristenWilliams-kb6qc says:

      🙏🙏🙏 First Seek the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you 😊 that is the scripture I’ve been dwelling on a lot this past month 😊 I find that scripture is always always a good place to be! Blessings to you dear soul! Trust Jesus! He’s got you! 😊 🕊️

    • @elevationchurch says:

      Lord Jesus, we pray for Aimee in this moment. You see Aimee and know what she needs and her situation. We pray that you provide what her heart and spirit need. Amen. 🧡🙏

    • @marissamonroy1507 says:

      I’ll pray for you.

  • @zion_rk says:

    I love the woman who always yells “HALLELUJAH!”
    God bless her soul. 17:11

  • @Makeup2456 says:

    I want to find my people. My soul tribe. I’m tired of being alone. My own cousins who were like sisters to me turned on me. I trust God will let me receive good people to be in my life. Because I’m tired of dealing with the facade.

  • @chriszoccali2834 says:

    Stacy here- thank you for telling me what I need to do, I just don’t know how to approach it. Does it make sense that I have faith, but I don’t know what loving and knowing God is in my life- teach me!

  • @KristenWilliams-kb6qc says:

    Hello Brothers and Sisters! I just wanted to share how this sermon was so impactful to me and many many others… I live streamed it this morning where I sell things online during live video auctions however I decided to stream in the community section this morning and did this last week as well BUT GOD he brought over 100 people to this sermon! 🙏 It was so powerful and just really wanted to share 😊

  • @mariah_clark says:

    I haven’t tuned in for a couple years, and I’ve been trying to come back to God and my faith the last year or so. I’ve been really struggling, in a dark place mentally and empty lately. Tonight I talked to God to put my shortcomings, sins & imperfections in his hands, and to tell him I need him (not the first time I’ve had this conversation). But I thought I would find the replay of church from this morning.. it happened to be “live” right when I was looking for it at 10:03pm and I really feel like this was God responding. And because it was life the prayer at the end, was exactly what I needed. Thank you. 🙏

    • @elevationchurch says:

      We’re glad that you were able to join us Mariah! We’re praying for you today 🙏🧡

  • @FaithWalkSermons says:

    I kept running away from myself and my past mistakes, but in the end, I had to face God and received His blessings. It opened the path to a life-changing transformation for me and my family. Thank You, god

  • @marissamonroy1507 says:

    I laughed and truly connected with this sermon. I pray for the day God re-names me. But I’m desperately in need of prayer, too. It’s been rough for many years. Death, depression, and now divorce…it gets so hard to focus.
    AMEN for all my blessing and the sermons that are helping me get through each day.

  • @manaleeunice6703 says:

    Such a powerful word,God reveal yourself to me you can’t run and wrestle at the at the same time❤

  • @Mike-hp2iz says:

    trying to learn SILENCE, and allow GOD to speak to me and for me.

  • @Dr.Eric.Spencer says:


    Amen, Ps. Jabin!

  • Anonymous says:

    This sermon changed my life ❤

  • @shellalaurensa4199 says:

    Thankyou Ps Jabin for this powerfullllllllll sermon. God bless you more 🙏🏻

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