How the Enemy Tries to Distract You From God’s Plan | Tony Evans Sermon

Tony Evans: The Enemy wants to distract you from the plan God has for your life. Satan's ultimate strategy is to lead you off course but, thankfully, God has a strategy to keep you on track.


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Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder and president of The Urban Alternative and author of over 100 books, booklets and Bible studies. The first African American to earn a doctorate of theology from Dallas Theological Seminary, he has been named one of the 12 Most Effective Preachers in the English-Speaking World by Baylor University. Dr. Evans holds the honor of writing and publishing the first full-Bible commentary and study Bible by an African American. His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on over 1,400 radio outlets daily and in more than 130 countries.

The Urban Alternative is a Christian Bible teaching and resource ministry founded 41 years ago by Dr. Tony Evans. We aim to spread the teaching of God’s Word through Christian media with the goal of transforming lives. We offer sermons, sermon outlines, books, prayers, Bible studies and more on topics such as Christian living, marriage, discipleship, and spiritual growth, as taught by Tony Evans.

#tonyevans #Godsplan #sermon

Manuel Muniz

  • @walkbyfaith2917 says:

    You gotta pray, pray, pray about everything and everyone.

  • @holyhip-hopcentral5959 says:

    Mental manipulation is one of the devil’s main weapons I know because the evils of satan have been attacking my mind constantly…this is for anyone out there going through what I am

    Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.
    James 4:8

  • @dianematlock7922 says:

    The devil WON’T mess with you, unless, YOU BELONG TO GOD…
    Count it all joy…

    • @21stbornandraised54 says:

      Then they are his satan the devil’s children and are in danger of going In The Lake Of Fire. I’d rather be walking with GOD than burn.

    • @falsefactsandtruelies1301 says:

      So whst kinda people satan dont mess with?

    • @dianematlock7922 says:

      @@falsefactsandtruelies1301 can you read????

    • @evysteffens-faulkner9722 says:

      Well now hold on there….even though we are children if God… Satan goes at us double hard.
      We can still be tempted.I believe many pastors don’t speak on that enough and are the WORST in their private life,till what they’re doing comes to light.

    • @gears265 says:

      @@evysteffens-faulkner9722 very true, we are still on trial even if are saved or born again anyone can sin, as said in revelations many fall even hardcore Christian, don’t boast about being christain as well saved even you can be deceived. just look how many thinking the rapture is a true thing when reality it just satan telling them false lies. there is no rapture as well jesus comes after tribulation . there only 2 times jesus comes to earth one he is born and 2 the second coming of christ. remember satan like to come in like a angel of light, also remember never boast about being a christian be humble and just follow the lord jesus and share his gospel so others can wake up and not burn in the lake of father. we all can sin we are not perfect. but we are perfect in jesus aka god. if you say we christain can’t sin then your calling jesus a liar. read the commandments of jesus there alot stuff there that even I did not know. there more then 10. but just stay with christ as well have faith only jesus can remove you from sins you your self can’t only through jesus ya can, am speaking through the holy spirit along my spirit, to say only trust jesus and ask him what information you get on ya spiritual journey with the lord. always test the spirit. be strong with the lord always confess and repent as well cleanse through the blood of jesus. we are getting closer to the end, the devil knows he running out of time. I pray for you all to stay safe out there, as well stay close to christ amen.

  • @tayray1981 says:

    Iam currently a victim of demonic harassment and demonic oppression 24 hrs a day. I lost my way with god three yrs ago fell into hard drugs. This is real! I’m currently under construction and building my relationship with god. This sermon has taught me not to conversate with these snakes…. Pray for me in the name of mighty jesus I will get threw this!!!

    • @garrysaintjean11 says:

      You will get through it in Jesus name.

    • @encounterswiththekingofkings says:

      Praying for you. Keep seeking God. He is your help and hope. He can and will deliver you. The safest place on Earth is in God’s presence.

    • @daniellecharley6921 says:

      I’m going through this journey right now and I’m in a hole I can’t get out. I hope I can get back up 😭😣😔

    • @madelinestory4230 says:

      I will be praying for you and your immediate family in Jesus name. Ask for the blood of Jesus to cover you. Addiction says you need Soul healing. I pray your healing comes

    • @madelinestory4230 says:

      Please 🙏 for me. I’m praying love, peace and prosperity over everyone here.

  • @vivekjac says:

    Hello, my son wasn’t talking anything and he had speech problems. So I started teaching him words from bible like Jesus, God, Hallelujah,,bible, and guess what he has improved his leaning and speech at exponential speed. Thank you lord.

  • @RichieColemanSr says:

    No matter how long ago this Sermon was recorded, it’s still a relevant message for each of our lives.

  • @michaelgiamille says:

    Currently overcoming lust, porn, and masterbation. The enemy tries to use loneliness to cause me to alter my faith but the devil is a lie. Thank you for your message doc. Keep me in your prayers and I’ll do the same ✊🏾

    • @codychilders8280 says:

      I’m struggling with lust and constant masturbation too. If you have any tips to stop let me know on here

    • @lakeiyamoore2606 says:

      God is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless from your enemy with exceeding joy! Anytime you even think of a woman just command your mind to praise the lord command your body to be use by the glory of God and tell the devil he is a liar! Your body is worth it and you will wait for your wife to be., in Jesus name 🙏🏾❣️

    • @gatestimonymiracle1302 says:

      Lust was mine but I cut off every single lover in my life and lust left with them. I now wait for my godly spouse. Lust will pop up from time to time but it’s easier for me to refuse it

    • @better4ever215 says:

      @@codychilders8280 It starts with the heart Christ said if you look at a woman to lust after her you already commited adultery with her in your heart change your inner man first by reading the Word til you can reply to the temptation with the Word of God like Christ did when he was tempted by the Devil. Christ had a scripture for every temptation the Devil threw at Him even when the Devil tried to use scripture against Him but you have to have faith and most of all you have to love God with all your heart, soul, and might but when you do fall remember we have an Advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the Righteous and He is the propitiation for our sins.remember a just man falls 7 times and rises up again keep fighting you already have the victory in Christ.

    • @rgre4304 says:

      A practical thing to do also is when you have those urges do something else you enjoy doing.

  • @santikhumalo-bu8ir says:

    Don’t give up on GOD he won’t give up on you never ever..keep fighting

  • @cynthiabell52 says:

    Believing for deliverance for my son Jacob from drug addictions. He’s 28, and started using drugs at the age of 12. Please pray for him. Thank you in advance. Amen

    • @shandamillering says:


    • @JasmineWeaks says:

      Hi! I’m 30. I just received my deliverance from my addiction to alcohol. Only God can do something as effortless as that. I was going through the motions of going to church while suffering in silence. This last Sunday I went to the altar and admitted my sin in front of the church. God is near to a contrite and broken heart. He took it from me because I got tired of trying on my own. I wanted out but I couldn’t do it. God had to deliver me from that spirit. I literally felt it leave !!! Keep hanging on mama ! Praying for your strength and his ! 🙏🏽❤️

    • @jacquelinedempsey says:

      I’m 30 too just received diliverence praying for your beautiful son he will be ok ❤

    • @jacquelinedempsey says:

      I started at 12 too he will be ok trust in the lord I believe he will help him in Jesus name I pray amen


      Jacob well be led from this I pray for him in God’s name

  • @GospelLoveSongs90 says:

    I’m 19 years old, it’s so hard to be a Christian teenager and many teenagers don’t believe in Jesus but i want them to believe in Jesus I’ll pray for them everyday and I’ll keep my faith forever 💗💗🙌🙌

    • @derffmancometh9582 says:

      Keep the fight of Faith young teen! The Lord will be your strength, and will always be with you. No matter what. In Jesus name I pray… Amen

    • @kennvuu says:


    • @Teemoo. says:


    • @charleslsledgeiii3683 says:

      Hold on and keep the faith. Stay prayed up at all times. Remember, Jesus said you will have trials and tribulations, but he has already overcome the world. Guess what? We have overcome too. I agreement with you

    • @Isaac-we2ks says:

      im 26 and only a couple years ago committed my life to Christ. It def feels like it’s hard for my generation and I can totally see that being the case for yours too (prob even harder tbh). At 19 you are an inspiration and I’m so grateful that the Lord is doing a great work in you. I think it is awesome that you have such a big heart for prayer. Stay plugged in to the vine (Jesus) and you will bear much fruit (see John 15:5).

      It’s hard but the Lord promised to never leave us. We are sealed by the Holy Spirit. He is teaching us to be more and more like Him each day.

      “Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the LORD holds them by the hand” Psalm 37:24 (NLT)

  • @blairanding7592 says:

    I ask that every Christian who reads my message will pray for me and my husband, Jerry and Blair Anding! We are under attack, we are working our way back to God, to live for God. Pray for us to conquer over evil and bring holiness back into our lives and our home! In Jesus name, Amen, thank you!

    • @marklabranche8045 says:

      I pray that all is well with you and your husband🙏🏾

    • @jeremyswann2228 says:

      In Christ you are more than a conqueror! Keep your Faith in Jesus and walk in Truth Amen 🙏

    • @quentoriahutcherson8836 says:

      2 For 5:17 If anyone be in Christ he is a new creation; old things have passed away ALL things have become NEW! Both you and your husband HAVE conquered because our Lord and Savior HAS conquered…we fight FROM Victory, not for Victory! Move, live and have your being in our Risen Savior Jesus Christ!

    • @Big-xo9le says:

      To go along with the previous reply I will pray that you and your husband learn to use your authority given to us by Christ over the enemy 🙏in Luke 10:19 KJV

    • @Callummullans says:

      Know in your heart that what you pray for has already been received when Jesus is Lord of your heart. Make sure you and your husband don’t sin.

  • @denisehudson7957 says:

    I am currently under an attack of the enemy. Every month since jan 2023 there has been something that has rocked my faith…my stepmother passedin January in February my sister had a medical emergency that i had to become involved with, April my dog was stolen, May my father passed away.. i am struggling…please pray for me😢 i am trying to hear from God

    • @JenniferBrittany says:

      I have been under the same circumstances but I have learned that the closer you get to God, the harder the devil will try to lead you away. He will try to demolish any and all faith you have in God and we have to be strong and keep nourishing ourselves in Gods word. His word will protect us and nourish us so that we will be covered in impenetrable armour against the devils attack. If you need anyone to talk to I’d be happy to share info ! I’m looking for more sisters in Christ to hold each other accountable and help each other through these attacks. God bless you sister !

    • @JasmyneAlexis says:

      It’s definitely an attack on you but attacks will not cease. Nor does God’s love and favor. There’s a message in the Bible where the devil makes plans to throw us off our path. God will allow it just to see which way you will choose. Always Trust God. Give him praise regardless. And in those moments, ask God what he wants to you to focus on and learn from it. People need you, even when they don’t tell u. And sometimes that can be looked at as, oh my gosh, why me. But, Why not you though. ❤ take care

    • @naomim7125 says:

      Yh there’s an attack start casting the attacks away in the name of Jesus

    • @blakekendall6156 says:

      God is always with you, even in the storm. Jesus is not unsympathetic to your suffering. Look to the cross. He knows everything you are going through and more. Read your bible. Study it, meditate on it, and pray deeply and consistently. He who began a good work in you will finish it.

    • @alicejones2342 says:

      We just have to keep our minds and eyes fixed upon Jesus and try not to let the mess all around us get us down. God bless you!

  • @debbiehill9320 says:

    I received Jesus when I was 18. I am now 64. Thank you Jesus. Read the Bible stay in a great spirit filled church find a little bit older friend who’s been through some trials marry a Christian who is strong in their faith and Never give up. It’s worth it.

    • @BUEntertainmentKP says:

      Thank you for sharing!! I needed to hear this as being 33 I feel the need to reach back to the youth those just coming of age went through many trials at that age I had those who shared wisdom and knowledge with me helped me get right

    • @user-wp6mj4kr2e says:


    • @xenotsu- says:

      Is masterbating bad?

    • @lennonsvrchannel says:

      @@xenotsu-lmao everything is bad and life sucks if you follow Santa Claus but just don’t tell anybody, it’s what these weirdos do

    • @TommyMalkoran-pz5tb says:

      @@xenotsu- Masturbating in itself is not a sin. However, it can and will lead up to sinful thoughts and behaviour. And thoughts can be sin. Jesus said that if you look at a woman with lust, you’ve already committed adultery with her in your heart. If you are burning with lust, pray to the Lord for strength, maybe a wife, and he will provide you with the best solution. Trust God.

      I know it’s hard, but nobody ever said it will be easy to follow God. Especially not today when women are dressing provocatively and unlimited pornography is easily available. Stay strong in Christ, feast on His word and pray, pray, pray.

      Jesus loves you. God bless you, my dear friend.

  • @kitakittykat says:

    God I believe you continue to show me this sermon over and over and over through the algorithm is because I’m under the biggest spiritual attack I have ever been under! Thank you Lord for your faithfulness 🙏🏾❤️✨ and pulling me from the deep!

  • @joegaccetta5799 says:

    The devil has deceived my wife of 26 years of marriage. And now it’s caused all kinds of havoc on our family. She has filed for divorce and is running from a good marriage to this deceptive independence. Please pray for restoration of our marriage, keeping our covenant with Godand letting our family be blessed again. I love my wife dearly, is God’s will for us to be together and for this marriage to thrive.

  • @AshGeo says:

    If you’re tired of consequences, you qualify for God’s abundant grace.

  • @user-mh9bf3qn1t says:

    No weapon formed against me shall prosper.

  • @ken..moofun says:

    Accepted Christ at 10 and now Im 12 it’s very hard because this generation is lost but KEEP FAITH IN GOD AMEN ❤🙏🏾

  • @RonnySalazar-ff5gq says:

    In 2018 while in prison serving a 130 years to life,I surrendered my life to Christ as Lord. From that day on my life has never been the same. There has been a change on the inside and their continues to be. It’s only because of God’s grace that I’ve been saved and have been released from prison. The Lord held on to my wife and sons for me. So I no longer live for the gang, but for Christ Jesus my Lord. All glory be to God!!

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