Billy Graham – The Devil and Demons – Dallas TX 1971

Powerful & helpful message about the devil, demons, witches and wizards: How to be victorious in spiritual warfare, win against temptation and evil; how to erase guilt and be forgiven…and much more.
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Manuel Muniz

  • @Sanc8344 says:

    Pastors aren’t preaching with this kind of power and truth today.This is evangelism at it’s best.

  • @beggersbanquet-xt3xk says:

    Even the demons and devil know that JESUS IS GOD!!!!

  • @rgueiros says:

    Today’s preachers would preach a “comfortable message” to gain likes in a big stadium like this. Praise GOD for Billy Graham’s straight message!!

    • @newhopeagchurchagasthiyarp3979 says:

      I agree this too

    • @brothersforlife817 says:

      true. they are like motivational speakers

    • @tshirt2009 says:

      Sadly even Billy’s son Franklin preaches the “comfortable message” I seen him a few months ago and was not impressed at all.

    • @sheldenn says:

      ricardo gueiros everyone wants to hear about heaven, but no one wants to hear about hell. That’s what is wrong today

    • @stefanfehr1221 says:

      “Billy Graham was an essential actor in the right wing political takeover of evangelical Christianity.

      From the time he met his wife Ruth Bell at Wheaton College, the career of Graham, son of a North Carolina dairy farmer, was guided by his father-in-law Lemuel Nelson Bell, MD. Dr. Bell had been a medical missionary to China, one of the many refugees from their imperial calling embittered by the Democratic Party’s “loss of China”.
      Bell hooked Graham up with Youth for Christ, a parachurch affiliated with the Christian anti-Communist movement,progenitor of the Religious Right, and placed him under the tutelage of Pastor William Bell Riley, the raving anti-Semitic Conspiracy theorist and anti-evolutionist known as the “Grand Old Man of Fundamentalism”. Pastor Riley, who believed in “an international Jewish-Bolshevik-Darwinist conspiracy to promote evolutionism in the classroom” chose Graham to succeed him as president of Northwestern Bible College in St Paul.

      Red-baiting was a feature of Graham’s debut on the national stage, his famous 1949 Los Angeles tent revival:

      “Do you know, that the Fifth Columnists, called Communists, are more rampant in Los Angeles than any other city in America?” Communism, he said, “is a religion that is inspired, directed, and motivated by the devil himself who has declared war against Almighty God.” (Christianity Today)

      Business leaders of the far right immediately saw in Graham a vehicle for their goals of rolling back the New Deal and defeating organized labor, under the guise of fighting godless communism for Jesus. While the LA revival was still under way, publisher William Randolph Hearst wired his editors to “Puff Graham!”.

      Introductions to other titans of business and politics followed. South Carolinians Henry Luce, the Time-Life magnate, and financier Bernard Baruch teamed up Graham with governor Strom Thurmond for a statewide tour in March of 1950, when Strom was leader of the white nationalist Dixiecrat Party.

      Later that year, Graham met the man who would become his biggest patron, right wing oilman “Mr Sid” Richardson, who would soon encourage Dwight D. Eisenhower to run for president, in part by purchasing a farm for Ike and Mamie at Gettysburg, PA. Considering that that Graham and Ike were both sponsored by Richardson, Ike’s sudden conversion to Christian orthodoxy by Graham before Inauguration Day looks less than miraculous.

      So important was Richardson to Graham that Billy, who never lived in Texas, placed his official church membership at Richardson’s First Baptist of Dallas, and kept it there throughout his life. (When Billy was at home in Montreat, the nominal Southern Baptist preacher attended the local Presbyterian church with wife Ruth and father-in-law Nelson, a leader of the effort to revive Confederate era Calvinism that resulted in the Presbyterian Church in America. PCA was founded in 1973 in Birmingham, at the height of the school busing crisis.)
      When Mr Sid and other Texas oilmen were defending their Oil Depletion Allowance, a most generous federal tax break, Graham came to their aid by producing two feature films celebrating the Christian virtues of the Lone Star state petroleum fraternity.

      Oilman J. Howard Pew, a John Birch Society leader, would succeed Mr Sid as Graham’s biggest financial backer. He joined Nelson Bell as co- publisher of Christianity Today, which presented itself as the voice of moderate, mainstream evangelicals. ( Even while Bell was simultaneously publishing the newsletter of the Confederate Calvinism revival movement.) Together they ousted the erudite Carl FH Henry as CT editor because of his opinion piece condemning evangelicals who reflexively opposed the Civil Right movement. Repeat: The two Birchers who ran Billy Graham’s magazine canned the editor who suggested that the Civil Rights movement might have some merit.” – Oomf

  • @benjimun says:

    There is power in the name of Jesus !

  • @johnsondhan3331 says:

    A person like him is needed in America

    • @martinkent333 says:

      Cuz brainwashing makes you less of a freak?

    • @sherylreed3558 says:

      He is MOST HATED Pastor IN AMERICA, but there is one. Hated because he calls OUT THE Witches, the Politicians, the Fake Pastors!! Pastor Greg Locke, GVBC. Mount Juliet TN. Just sayin. His Congregation, for the last 6 months has been seeing/having breakthrough Sunday nights. Demons flee. Folks setting down the drugs/cigarettes. Pornography. Marriages healed. And I have NEVER, NEVER witnessed a people SO GIVING. 2 YEARS IN a row, on Mother’s Day, single parent homes, (Dad’s too), $700 per family!! NO JUDGEMENT, JUST HELP!! FOR 45 Families. Over n over every wknd there’s THAT KIND of giving, it’s awesome.

    • @K3VIN21 says:

      He was nobody listen!

    • @spiritguided655 says:

      People like him is needed everywhere!!

    • @angelacooper2661 says:

      We need the likes of him in Great Britain as well!

  • @robeliorosario5682 says:

    Every time he speaks I get chills I feel God’s power

  • @timothy9360 says:

    Crazy, this was 50 years ago. and everything he is saying is still relevant to this day.

  • @1119nj says:

    50 years later and these words are still true.

    • @angelacooper2661 says:

      I was just a year old then – now in my early fifties. Converted at Mission England aged fourteen, 39 years a Christian. Billy Graham was responsible for my turning to Jesus!

    • @user-di6qe5tz8v says:

      🙏☦💚 Amen!

  • @marcelagonzalez7966 says:

    I honestly believe he was powered by Almighty God himself. RIP Mr. Graham 🙏

    • @benvenegas8708 says:


    • @user-in2jt2hk2h says:

      Does God contradict His own words? Would a person truly of God contradict the plainly written words of God? Yet Billy did numerous times

    • @beanindividual4000 says:

      @@user-in2jt2hk2h how are you fulfilling the word of God right now?

    • @emmazepox3268 says:

      .km m

    • @user-in2jt2hk2h says:

      @@beanindividual4000 it is simple, since all things are according to the will and purpose of God, and as John the Baptist stated, a man can not do anything unless it has been given to him from above, then I must be doing the will of God. Did Paul not call Peter out in public for his hypocrisy, was he doing the will of God? If a person is teaching scripture falsely, should we just allow them to continue, or should we expose them, which is right? Since it have proof, in his own words, his own sermons, with dates and places preached, should I just ignore his falseness, and let him continue deceiving people? Should there not be the truth of scripture, and not the falseness and interpretations of man?

  • @margaretmcdaniel5354 says:

    Billy Graham is the real preacher, he speaks straight from the Bible. He brought me thru.

  • @shirlynyeoward9531 says:

    He preached so passionately but in today’s church no one explains the points or gives examples.. we r lucky that all his sermons were recorded so we too can listen, learn and receive Jesus Christ. Praise The Lord Amen 🙏🏻

  • @jonathanloos4324 says:

    There’s no one like Billy Graham. Truly amazing!

    • @lulama6044 says:

      Nobody is like anybody in this world.

    • @benvenegas8708 says:

      The way he would speak with authority

    • @tina1924-wt2cv says:

      me and my daddy use to almost break a leg to look at Bill Graham on tv in the mid 60’s n I was 4 years of age n my parents didn’t aloud us to watch tv nor move around inside our house when it was raining thunder n lightening n some days it was doing that when Evangelist Billy Graham was getting ready to come on air n I use to cry my eyes out because I couldn’t watch him on tv n his anointing was so strong his voice would draw so many of 100’s and 100’s of people to the altar n my Lord!!!

    • @today786 says:

      ​@@tina1924-wt2cvppppppppppppppppppppppppppppopppppppppppp0ppppopppp0pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppopppppppp ok 😊😊😊😊😊

    • @april4848 says:

      He’s precious!

  • @seekerofbs1592 says:

    In today’s world we need these kind of teachings more than ever….

  • @mercyrichu3661 says:

    When I hear his sermons I get goosebumps.He was truly a man of God.I pray that I may live for Christ like he did.

  • @josueflores4908 says:

    I’m 27 and thankful these were recorded for the generations to come!

  • @cramE710 says:

    “let me tell you Jesus can come into your life and take that guilt away.” so powerful

  • @user-ow2py2ud3o says:

    His teachings are a gift from God.Nature has given everything to him in terms of preaching.His words touches hearts and changes lives.May his soul rest well in Jesus Christ.

  • @Bev.G597 says:

    His message is always solid…..a true messenger

  • @loiceodhiambo5612 says:

    It’s 2023 And I’m truly Blessed to receive this powerful message 🙏✝️🙏
    To God Almighty Be All The Glory 🙏♥️🙌🙏

  • @carlajones2619 says:

    Everytime I listen to Billy I draw closer to God!!! He preach the TRUTH!!

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