A Recipe For Resentment | Pastor Steven Furtick | Elevation Church

If you’ve been feeling pulled in every direction, it might be time to pivot. God isn’t asking you to do everything — He’s asking you to stay close to Him.

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0:00 – Luke 10, verses 38-42
3:49 – "Does Anybody Care?!"
7:26 – A Recipe For Resentment
9:25 – Preparation For Rejection
13:11 – Martha Is Not The Villain
15:06 – Resourceful, Responsible, & Respectful
21:42 – Just Be Present
24:37 – Don't Focus On What You Can't Control
27:42 – An Illustration On Distraction
32:13 – Pivoting Is An Essential Skill
35:02 – Being Pulled Apart
40:26 – Whose List Is This?
44:20 – Are You Listening Or Listing?
46:59 – Ask This Question This Week
50:12 – Jesus Will Never Pull You Apart
52:11 – Let Him Help You With Your Worry
55:02 – There's Been A Switch
58:18 – Shift Your Attention To His List

Scripture References:
Luke 10, verses 38-42
Luke 6, verses 12-16
John 11, verses 21-23

#elevationchurch #arecipeforresentment #stevenfurtick #expectation #disappointment #rejection #acceptance #presence #distraction #anxiety #Luke #Jesus #focus #preparation #sermons #faith #church

Check out Elevation Worship’s album “When Wind Meets Fire.” You can listen to it wherever you get your music. It features songs like “Sure Been Good,” “All Of A Sudden,” “What A Miracle,” and “Owe You Praise.” While you’re there, you can listen to other music from Elevation Worship’s album “Can You Imagine?” like “Praise,” “Trust In God,” “Been So Good,” and “Jehovah.” Elevation Worship is the musical expression of Elevation Church, led by pastor and visionary Steven Furtick. They have been steadily writing, recording, and releasing music since the church was founded more than 15 years ago in Charlotte, N.C. The ministry now has multiple locations throughout the US and Canada.

A Recipe For Resentment | Pastor Steven Furtick | Elevation Church

Manuel Muniz

  • @salsassone3245 says:

    Who else is ready for the word?!?

  • @pollyannavalenzuela4917 says:

    “Making your list of what makes a good mom off of other peoples opinion” sheeesh! That hit home ❤

  • @ShanaKay-80 says:

    Thank You Jesus for this most awesome day that You have made for us to rejoice and be glad in. What a wonderful Savior we have who is sooo worthy to be praised!!!! JESUS IS LORD

  • @rebeccadawson1624 says:

    My expectations plus others limitations minus grace , is a recipe for RESENTMENT ❤

  • @DanielCollins._ says:

    My sermon notes for “A recipe for resentment//Whose list is this?”

    1.) Your expectations + others limitations – grace = a recipe for resentment a

    2.) People will try to keep you distracted in order to keep from doing what needs to be done. Distracted does not mean lacking

    3.) Changing directions is not a distraction, it’s pivoting. Be open and attentive to what the Lord wants to do and pivot towards his direction. Be receptive to these changes because it’s intentional for your life

    4.) Do not put pressure on yourself that causes you to rob yourself of your peace. The moment you realize and believe what God has for you, his list for you will make sense

    5.) Shift your attention to his list. Your list should not be made off of others opinions. If you are being pulled apart by the demands you are living by, then it’s not his list. You can’t control the weather or others

    6.) Your faith + God’s presence = a recipe for resurrection

  • @nicolekellybester says:

    BLESSED be the name of the LORD. GOD give me the strength and capacity to keep my eyes on YOUR list alone.

  • @upschutt4842 says:

    Thank you for continuing to stand with me for my breakthrough. God is preparing everything for me behind the scenes and I am so eager to finally see it all in the flesh.

  • @jessicafogle7021 says:

    I really really like how detailed you are pastor. Helps me truly understand

  • @thomaslawson1972 says:

    I really don’t know how to say it GOD placed his hand on me bro your ministry is powerful there is a real and raw word working with you thnk you brother and thank GOD above all else ill never want for more than what has been given ily guys and what yall do

  • @stephenlovegrove says:

    Instant Pastor Steven Classic 👑

    sending to friends right now!

  • @kellyyoung7117 says:

    Welcome home Steven, Holly and family! I’m SO excited to get to visit and see you preach at your home church! Was amazing to see you at Elevation Nights, but I love seeing you back at home where you are truly happiest. It shines through your soul when you preach at home. I’m so excited I will be in Charlotte for a month and get to visit every Sunday for 5 weeks. 🙂 It’s great to see you back home, this was such a great sermon and we didn’t forget where you left off 😉

  • @sandraseitshiro9940 says:

    Allowing people to make a list for you is a recipe for resentment. Let Jesus make a list you and sit at His feet, His list is resurrection 🙌🙏

  • @SelinaMasilela-c7i says:

    Listening from South Africa 🙏🙏

  • @at.2930 says:

    Needed this. Thank you so much. “Instead of feeling bad about what you didn’t get, or being distracted by the phone that rings in the middle of your clothes, you’re going to stay focused on what God has put in front of you for this season.”

  • @nibenosiviwe3321 says:

    This sermon confirms my rest. Today it’s my birthday and from the beginning of the year i say i want to rest on my birthday and just do nothing and i even put in leave for it but now as it was approaching i felt the urge to be busy on it (do all things that will show off) but yesterday I felt the Holy Spirit reminding me of the why. Why i put in leave on this day and the answer was to be just *present*

  • @Cherazny says:

    This is so good,I HAVE to watch it twice. Great sermons are worth a repeat,in case I missed something or needed to hear it once more.

  • @1stLadyDeneciaa-mv6uf says:

    My favorite pastor! The first one I really got to learn from! ❤

  • @kathyannphillip414 says:

    Hallelujah staying focused Lord. Faith + God’s presence = miracle. It equals what we didn’t even plan or even know what to ask more. It equals the pressed down shaken together running. It equals exceedingly abundantly above what we ask think or imagine. Only one thing is necessary. Listening Lord. Speak Lord your servant is listening. Thank you for your grace. Your grace is sufficient for me. I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me. See we have to know where our help comes from. Oh glory to God that our help comes from you Lord. Thank you for this word. Faith+ God’s presence=Miracle God math 🙌👏😇🤸‍♀️❤️🪨🙇‍♀️🌧️💪⬆️💯📖🙏🤗🔥💯🩸🌤️🛡️☀️🎺🍃🥳🌨️🌟🌳🌈🌍🙌🟢 Thank you Jesus. God bless and keep you may his face shine up you and be gracious to you. To us in Christ Jesus as we remember the giver of life. Amen and Amen with gratitude we do everything as on to you. With God there is always a way and by faith I will find it. Faith and grace and God’s presence is everything. Thank you ❤🎉🤸‍♀️😇🙏👏🎼📖🎶⬆️💞🏞️💦❄️👫🌬️🟢🙌🌍🌈🌳🌟🌨️🥳🍃🎺☀️🛡️🌤️🩸💯🔥🤗🙏

  • @janicepuderbaugh says:

    Shaking off the dust . . While you were preaching this that’s literally/ physically what I was doing. And because physical/life conditions prevented me from being able to watch on my phone (remember, I’m a homeless traveler) I couldn’t watch till now. But as I walked down the road a saw a church and of course, I went in to fellowship with our family there. As I downloaded what I had before the throne guess what word came to me? Yes, shake it off. . We are truly one in Christ our living Lord. The world cannot comprehend that.

  • @jascaste says:

    “Wipe your feet and walk “. Ufff ! Amen !

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