Peace on Earth Series: Fear Not, God Can Do Miracles, Part 2 | Chip Ingram
In a world where uncertainty looms, the reassuring phrase "FEAR NOT" is more relevant than ever. Join Chip & his friend, Pastor Tim Lundy, in this series as they connect these powerful words to the heart of the Christmas story. They will uncover the profound lessons these heavenly visits—and the responses of those who received their messages—teach us about courage, hope, confidence, and the Good News of Jesus.
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Amen. Fear not. Miracles can happen. Lord, I am desperate and willing. I am a single mother and need help with my three daughters who are not walking with Christ. God help me to keep my eyes fixed on you. I surrender all. Help my mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial. Show me the next steps in all areas of my life, and I will follow you. Thank you, Lord, for hearing my prayer. Thank you for answering my prayer. In Jesus name. Amen