3 evolutionists vs 1 creationist

Dr Hovind debates 3 evolutionist professors at once at secular Embry-Riddle University.
Many great topics are covered such as carbon dating, vestigial structures, the geologic column, the big bang theory, the fossil record, the flood and MUCH more.

Also big questions are answered such as where did God come from? Why do people believe in evolution? Where did I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going and more…
This is the classic debate of the decade!
Which side is ALL the scientific evidence on?
Who will win the debate?

Manuel Muniz

  • @thylovsynnah7904 says:

    It’s not about who wins the debate ..it’s about revealing the truth

    • @TheforealDanDan says:

      @Ubiquitous Philanthropist how do you explain love of your own child smarty pants.

    • @TheforealDanDan says:

      @Ubiquitous Philanthropist did someone inject them with heavy metals? Seems like they took the devils offer of a vaccine why do you think they have you sign a paper saying you don’t want it. If you accept their offer living in fear it’s your own fault. Debt, do you have a get a house with 600K in debt or is it an offer of the material world.

    • @TheforealDanDan says:

      @Ubiquitous Philanthropist so it’s Gods fault the mother is a lost soul??? Okay, she can be forgiven, it starts at admitting you messed up, concept science ignores nowadays, doesn’t even use scientific method.

    • @silkaeichorn5381 says:

      Agreed. Kent even addressed that very point, saying that he didn’t just want to win any debate, but to open people’s minds to the truth.

    • @silkaeichorn5381 says:

      Apparently, you got a pretty silly rant from someone, UP, who deleted his rant after being attacked by DG three times. For some reason DG did not respond to you, but we see that all the time on threads, someone trying to highjack the thread and someone else going off on them, ignoring the point made by the person who commented.

  • @darthbane2669 says:

    I will say at least they did not interrupt each other

  • @chulanezung5164 says:

    The fact that he stand up for every answer and question is pure class

    • @garywalker447 says:

      No, Hovind is a blow hare ignoramous and fraud, he has no class.

    • @flashoftruth says:

      And purely in the script.

    • @AWretchedMan says:

      ​@@flashoftruth Flash of lies should be your name. Lmao nothing but crap coming out of your mouth. Typical coward keyboard warrior. No balls in person

    • @flashoftruth says:

      ​@@AWretchedMan //Flash of lies should be your name.//

      Wow, did you come up with that all by yourself?

      //nothing but crap coming out of your mouth//

      To a Dunning-Kruger Effect poster child, I’m sure it is.

      //Typical coward keyboard warrior. No balls in person//

      Oh, make no mistake lady, I would definitely say these things to your face and twice on Sunday.

    • @work90 says:

      @@flashoftruth salty desperate athiest

  • @justinkimberlyrowley4465 says:

    It’s astounding how long a professor can talk without saying anything

    • @TheJohnMak says:

      I’m with you. This professor says lots of words but say nothing. He relies on pathetic court cases as he has nothing to say.

    • @justinkimberlyrowley4465 says:

      @@TheJohnMak ya that and strawman claims made by other creationists. Not once did they address anything that this gentleman said

    • @irirr3246 says:

      ( 116 ) “And [beware the Day] when Allah will say, “O Jesus, Son of Mary, did you say to the people, ‘Take me and my mother as deities besides Allah?'” He will say, “Exalted are You! It was not for me to say that to which I have no right. If I had said it, You would have known it. You know what is within myself, and I do not know what is within Yourself. Indeed, it is You who is Knower of the unseen.”

      This was Verse 116 in Chapter 5 in God’s final Book (The Quran) sent to earth through His final messenger Muhammad.

      Allah is the Arabic name referring to God even in Arabic bible. The name Allah is IN BIBLE.

    • @timsmith5339 says:

      …. and you didn’t notice that Hovind is worse?

    • @justinkimberlyrowley4465 says:

      @@timsmith5339 no I didn’t. Can you give a time stamp?

  • @bestvaluehomebuyers4919 says:

    I’d like to honor the three gentleman on the left that have turned more people towards the creator than much of the modern church today. Praise be to the most high who opens the mouth of the donkey and leads those who are looking back to him.

  • @chairwithoutwheels9148 says:

    “Its much easier to convince a fool of a lie than to convince a fool that he has been lied to.”

    • @Pikkabuu says:

      And creationists demonstrate that quotes accuracy every day…

    • @darkeen42 says:

      That’s Christianity’s standard mode of operations

    • @darkeen42 says:

      We have a ancient book that says reality doesn’t matter and your like ok well to hell with documented reality then. I don’t care how wrong I have to be to believe in going to heaven.

    • @tommerphy1286 says:

      God must love FOOLS cause HE made so many of them

    • @darkeen42 says:

      @@tommerphy1286 yes anybody that believes in him. Doesn’t realize Kent is a complete con man. And those “scientist” can’t be scientists they say lots of things scientists do not believe. That’s pretty par for the course for Kent hire actors to act like scientists

  • @mrmcflappy6639 says:

    “We will never have a war based on a disagreement of science” – 2020 world government reactions to COVID certainly escalated that

    • @jehandesains8674 says:

      Not “world governments”, just America. The Republican party who is anti-science.

    • @Pikkabuu says:

      Every country had its share of lunatics who thought that “it is just a flu”. Some countries even had as many lunatics as the US had! Brazil for example acted like nothing out of the ordinary was going on.

    • @jehandesains8674 says:

      @@Pikkabuu every country having some lunatics, and the government actively fighting against science, are two different things though. You’re right about Brazil, but other than that, all countries, all governments accepted the science.

    • @turtledunkknucklebaby8089 says:

      Not to mention WW2 was the result of a disagreement of science. Hitlers belief was secular. And a very popular one. Starting in the early 1900s He drew inspiration from Americas eugenics programs. The leading “progressive” intellectual’s of the time all believed in the inherent superiority of “certain” peoples and groups. WW2 itself was largely responsible for dissolving many of those beliefs once the world witnessed first hand the ultimate outcome of that line of thinking. Stalin, Hitler, Mao, etc etc. none of the modern worlds most successful mass murder’s were religious. They actively tried to destroy it.

    • @jehandesains8674 says:

      @@turtledunkknucklebaby8089 that’s a lie and you know it. Hitler was a devout Christian who committed genocide on the Jews (and to a lesser extent persecuted gypsies, homosexuals, ATHEISTS, disabled people, etc) specifically because of his Christian beliefs. History is filled with Christians persecuting and killing Jews because of the belief that the Jews are responsible for killing Jesus (a fictional character no less!). Stalin grew up a Christian too, and Mao grew up Buddhist if I recall correctly. Then there’s King Leopold I of Belgium who killed 15 million Congolese, who was also a Christian. Ghengis Khan, another very successful mass murderer, was Tengri and later Muslim.

      Remember: all the Nazis wore “God with us” on their belts and had the support of the Catholic church. Christians are very eager to blame atheism (or even Evolution), while atheism is not responsible for ANY mass murders, and Evolution even less so. AT BEST you can argue that the criminal happened to be an atheist, but pretty much NEVER are any crimes committed BECAUSE of atheism. Meanwhile, countless wars and atrocities have been committed BECAUSE of religious beliefs.

  • @We_project_biblically says:

    This video made me rethink everything as an atheist, and I’m so happy to say I found truth and comfort in Jesus Christ! He is my lord and savior ❤

  • @r.rodriguez4991 says:

    I love how these 3 guys couldn’t figure out that they had 2 and a half minutes to ask a question.

    And then the one that just rambled on for a couple minutes, even past their time ended, and eventually said nothing.

  • @robertlauer9881 says:

    Still the champ, still the best and still a great messenger of the the Most High God!!! Well done Kent, your rewards are waiting for choosing the hard and narrow path.

  • @myname24612_udp says:

    Whose faith just straightened after watching this debate?

    • @NewLifeFromTheWayofTruth says:

      I straightened my own faith a while ago I stopped following winds

    • @siddified says:

      Are you high?

    • @adryanclay says:

      My knowledge on evolution (not faith) has definetly increased watching this. A fantasy book isn’t the answer, years of experiments using nature is the answer beyond reasonable doubt.

    • @trukngal says:

      ​@@adryanclay Nothing can’t create*

    • @M.M.7. says:

      @adryanclay  So why believe the textbooks or teachers that speak about evolution. If you had common sense, you would know the truth without having someone telling you how the universe became about. The more I study science, the more I know God exists.

  • @user-rj8fv6fl9e says:

    The first evolutionary teacher spent an inordinate amount of time telling us his science is backed by non-scientists (Supreme Court).

    • @darkeen42 says:

      Still doesn’t change there’s a mountain of evidence that we literally built our technology on. Most of our technology wouldn’t work if the science that proves the Bible wrong was wrong then the technology it made possible would not work

    • @yummyjackalmeat says:

      Okay but Kent doesn’t use science either and quotes the Bible, which equally lacks inherent authoritativenes.

    • @benjaminderaas7221 says:

      lets not forget his 100 semester hours.

    • @kygunguy2755 says:

      @@yummyjackalmeatKent absolutely uses science. How is it scientific to have that much faith in the religion of atheism. I don’t know how you can possibly think all of creation is absolute random chance and have the audacity to claim that your position is scientific.

    • @yummyjackalmeat says:

      @kygunguy2755  I made no such assertions.

  • @moscowjade says:

    Ever notice how the scientists on the panel primarily use Appeal to Authority fallacy?

  • @Handsomeblindguy says:

    Always great seeing everyone’s perspectives about the world. I am an honest seeker as well, and reflect that in my contacts. Thank you for sharing.

  • @kimkaze4868 says:

    I have been watching this every time I feel discourage about life, and usually I think about why am I here,… and think of this best answer

    • @Pikkabuu says:

      Why should there be a reason?

    • @deskiller says:

      @@Pikkabuu Because even trees have a purpose which is to sustain oxygen in the Earth for us to live. So, we too seek for purpose whether it is a good purpose or bad one, we all seek for something to fulfill. I got an answer, He goes by YHWH and He came down on Earth as Yeshua, and He loves you and wants a relationship with you because He has a purpose for you.

    • @Pikkabuu says:

      And name a religion that cannot argue that their god did it?

    • @deskiller says:

      @@Pikkabuu All of them, Yeshua claimed to be the One True God, He said “I am the way, the Truth, and the Life.” By that statement He has claimed to be above all Truths. So now it is your turn to decide whether His claim is true or not. I would encourage you to do it, seek Him and He will show Himself to you. God bless, I pray YHWH blesses your walk in life, blesses you with health, and anything that could be casting doubt, hurt, shame be forgiven in the name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

    • @Pikkabuu says:

      And please explain why people cannot say “Brahme did it all”.

  • @Pascal.mathias says:

    Never underestimate a person who brings a PowerPoint presentation.

    • @adryanclay says:

      “ooooh he has a powerpoint, he must be right without question”😂😂

    • @user-jg9yq8zk1c says:

      @adryanclay  you didn’t watch much, did you?

    • @adryanclay says:

      @@user-jg9yq8zk1c It was a joke and, kinda, i did watch the opening statements and a bit of the open discussion sooo… a bit i would say.

    • @user-yy2yd2qg1p says:

      ​@@adryanclaytypical worthless, pathetic, waste of a life evolutionist. You have the 2nd dumbest religion, Atheism is the dumbest.

    • @Anrich_C._Kleyn says:

      @@adryanclay If you don’t have an open mind going into something like this then leave us alone. You’re sitting at home on your throne you made for yourself commenting on literally every comment here praising God.
      You didn’t even watch the entire video.
      I’ve watched this video 11 times lol I will never stop praising God and the more you Atheists try to stop me the more I know my God is good

  • @woodrowaugustusrogers8778 says:

    When Mr. Mustache said “Oh my God” I couldn’t contain my laughter. 🤣

  • @Ecclesiastes-The-Preacher0.0.1 says:


  • @christianaleonard6988 says:

    This is pure gold. I love his sense of humour. I wish he was my science teacher in school! What a legend and so ahead of his time! These men didn’t stand a chance against him 😂May God bless him.

    • @Pikkabuu says:

      You wanted your science teacher to be ignorant of science and lie to you?

    • @AMC2283 says:

      Don’t you guys already have a middle man for your god that you’d like to bless him?

    • @christianaleonard6988 says:

      He wiped the floor with all three of his opponents it is so amusing to watch. God is the reason we have science. Nothing exists without Him. Real science proves God and anyone who denies that there is a creator is a suppressor of the truth which they know in their heart. Romans 1:20

    • @DarinThermunnopliss says:

      @@christianaleonard6988 so Kent having three divorces and four marriages mean nothing ? Gods Word states that Kent Hovind is not qualified to be a minister of God

    • @AMC2283 says:

      @@christianaleonard6988 the stop thinking and believe what we say quip you guys refer to by the hundreds refutes nothing. And did you not see the specific question I asked?

  • @Mr208500612 says:

    This is a fair debate. They realised that they’re debating, Father, Son, Holy Spirit (3 in one), so they had to try to match the fight to be fair. God bless you Dr. Kent

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